Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quick Post.

This is just a quick post, because I got to go. My mom and dad got home yesterday. We did a show for them, we did songs and speeches too. Destiny and Devin did there duo, and I did my Humorous. Abigail did some songs, and then we did are duet. Well, I guess that is it, BYE!!!


1 comment:

Ellie Anderson said...

Hey Emma,
Check out my blog and see the pictures of papa Deans car. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Are you practicing our due. When we get home, two days later Kolten and me are going with the deems to portland to time debatesits a debate turnament.
keep commenting on my blog so I know what your going and other Things. I need to call you so we can practice our due.

Love you bye.

Please comment back.